Why Using Indexes as Keys in React is a Bad Idea

published at2024-07-14

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When rendering lists or collections of elements in React, it's common to use a key prop for each item to help React efficiently update and re-render components. However, a common mistake many beginners make is using array indexes as keys. In this blog post, we'll explore why using indexes as keys in React is not a good idea, and we'll provide a simple example to illustrate the issues that can arise.

Understanding the Purpose of Keys 🔑

Before delving into the problems with using indexes as keys, let's first understand the purpose of keys in React. Keys are used to help React identify individual elements within a list and to keep track of their state and changes. When an item in the list changes or is removed, React uses keys to efficiently update the DOM without re-rendering the entire list.

The Problem with Using Indexes as Keys 🚫

Consider a scenario where you have an array of names that you want to render as a list in your React component. You might be tempted to use the index of each name in the array as its key when rendering the list:

const names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David"];

export const UserList = () => {
return (
{names.map((name, index) => (
<li key={index}>{name}</li>

At first glance, this may seem like a reasonable approach, but it can lead to unexpected behavior when you start adding or removing items from the list.

The Problem: Re-rendering and Performance Issues 🔄

The primary concern with using indexes as keys in React stems from how React tracks and identifies changes in the list elements. To illustrate, consider a React component displaying a list of names:

  • Alice (index 0)
  • Bob (index 1)
  • Carol (index 2)
  • David (index 3)

Suppose you remove "Bob" from this list. The original list, where Bob is at index 1, undergoes a transformation:

  • Alice (remains at index 0)
  • Carol (shifts to index 1 from 2)
  • David (shifts to index 2 from 3)

Here’s the key issue: When an item is removed, the subsequent items in the list shift up to fill the gap, altering their indexes. React uses keys to identify which elements have changed from one render to the next. In this case, the removal of "Bob" leads to a change in the indexes of both "Carol" and "David." React interprets these index changes as modifications to the actual list items, triggering a re-render of these components.

This is inefficient, especially in large lists or dynamic applications where items are frequently added or removed. Every change leads to more re-renders than needed. The solution? Use unique and stable keys, not indexes, for each item. This way, React accurately identifies which items have changed and avoids unnecessary re-renders.

A Better Approach: Using Unique and Stable Keys 🔑🌟

To avoid these problems, it’s recommended to use unique and stable keys for your list items. In most cases, you can use a unique identifier associated with each item, such as an ID from your data source. Here’s an improved version of our example:

const namesWithIds = [
{ id: 1, name: "Alice" },
{ id: 2, name: "Bob" },
{ id: 3, name: "Charlie" },
{ id: 4, name: "David" },

const NameList = () => {
return (
{namesWithIds.map((item) => (
<li key={item.id}>{item.name}</li>

Now, when you add or remove an item, React can correctly identify the changes based on the unique keys, and it won’t re-render the entire list unnecessarily.

Conclusion ✅

In summary, using indexes as keys in React may seem convenient at first, but it can lead to performance issues and incorrect rendering when you manipulate lists. To ensure your React applications are efficient and behave as expected, it’s best to use unique and stable keys that are associated with the data you are rendering. This approach will help React identify and update individual list items accurately, resulting in a smoother user experience.

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